Maps and geospatial data
Standards and processes for using maps for and geospatial data on Government of Yukon public-facing digital services and websites.
Standards and processes for using maps for and geospatial data on Government of Yukon public-facing digital services and websites.
Details about what this exception is and how decisions are made.
Advice for staff who are creating content in the Instructions section of a form.
Advice to staff for how to get a form published to or get printed.
Advice to help people recover from a mistake or error on a government form.
Advice for getting web forms and PDF forms translated into French.
Advice for staff drafting forms so they know how to let people know if there are formatting or input requirements in a form.
Advice for people drafting forms on how to meet the UX requirement to keep a form as short as possible.
Advice for staff on creating prescribed forms.
Definitions and examples of what constitutes official and unofficial government forms.