Submit an invoice

Date adopted: 
August 16, 2020
Last update: 
January 5, 2024

Guidance for vendors to submit invoices to eServices for Citizens.

What to include in all invoices

All invoices must include:

  • invoice date;
  • contract number (1 contract number per invoice);
  • invoice ID; and
  • invoice amount.

What to include in invoices for time and materials contracts

In addition to the above, invoices for time and materials contracts must include:

  • total hours expended in the month;
  • detailed breakdown based on tickets or tasks completed; and
  • the line of service or discipline the hours are associated with.

What to include in invoices for fixed cost contracts

You must detail the milestone accomplished per the contract payment schedule that has triggered the invoice.

Submit your invoice to eServices

  1. Make sure you’ve included all of the required information in your invoice.
  2. Email the invoice to the project manager and service delivery manager. CC the eServices program manager and [email protected].
  3. We'll confirm that we've received the invoice, check to confirm the work is complete, and then process it for payment.