Creating content for government forms

Date adopted: 
July 26, 2023
Last update: 
May 21, 2024

This advice is for staff and vendors who are tasked with creating content for public-facing government forms. There is information in this section to:

  • help you put together a solid first draft before you submit a request for a form - this will speed up the turnaround time; and
  • ensure the forms the government produces are consistent, accessible and easy for people to understand, fill out and submit. 

Content standards for forms

Content standards to apply to all public-facing government forms. This includes:

Data input options for forms

Guidance to help you select the data input types for your form to best help people add the required information. 

Parts of government forms

This section lays out the standard order form sections as well as guidance on formatting and wording.form sections Standards for ordering the content in your form.