Follow Canada Post's guidelines for writing addresses for the mail.
In general communications materials we prefer to spell words out rather than use abbreviations. For example, write "Yukon" rather than "YT".
Government of Yukon
Main Administration Building
2071 2nd Avenue
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 1B2
Telephone numbers
Use hyphens and no brackets.
Not: (867) 633-2949
But: 867-633-7949, call toll-free 1-800-661-0408, extension 7949 specific guidance for contact information
Use for
Tasks where users need to contact you for a particular reason. For example, submitting an application or reporting a human-animal conflict.
Do not use for
All pages as a standard element. We want users to be able to self-serve on When they have to stop a task to call us, it's inconvenient for them and it takes time. Be clear on your web page to avoid unnecessary contact.
Only add contact information to your web page within the context of a task. If part of the process is to submit an application, list the contact information where it makes sense. Look at existing pages on for examples.
To help a user complete a task. You may add contact information in the dedicated field at the bottom of a page if it makes sense for your page, but provide context and do not use this as a default format.
Contact information in context
- Complete the application form.
- Submit the application.
In person: 10 Burns Road in Whitehorse. We're open Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 5 pm
Email: [email protected]
Government of Yukon
Department of Environment (V-3A)
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
View a good example of contact information in context on
Contact information at the bottom of a page
Follow this format:
For questions about registering for the Hunter Education and Ethics Development course email [email protected] or phone 867-667-5617, toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 5617.