Make sure your PDF should be on the website
Avoid uploading a PDF if it duplicates information already on or if the information is important and should be on its own web page. Your document should only be on if it helps a user complete a task.
Follow the government’s file naming standard
- Write a clear, concise name. This is usually the name of the document. Avoid using words like "finalEdit" or "Web-version" in the file name. Also omit words such as "the", "and" and "of" and so on.
- Use lowercase letters.
- Separate words with hyphens (not underscores).
- Use the correct prefix to reflect your department.
Use the correct prefix when naming your department files
Store files on in separate department folders. We also organize files by using a set of prefixes. corporate files
File name prefix: corp
Example: corp-budget-2018.jpg
News release files
File name prefix: news
Example: news-highway-construction-projects-2018.jpg
Community Services
File name prefix: cs
Example: cs-pay-property-tax.pdf
Economic Development
File name prefix: ecdev
Example: ecdev-cdf-annual-report-2013-14.pdf
File name prefix: edu
Example: edu-mary-lake-bus-schedule.pdf
Energy, Mines and Resources
File name prefix: emr
Example: emr-peel-land-use-plan.pdf
File name prefix: engage
Example: engage-camping
File name prefix: env
Example: env-bear-safety.pdf
Executive Council Office
File name prefix: eco
Example: eco-summer-camps-2018.pdf
File name prefix: fin
Example: fin-budget-2018.pdf
French Language Services Directorate
File name prefix: flsd
Example: flsd-bonjour-yukon-guide.pdf
Health and Social Services
File name prefix: hss
Example: hss-whitehorse-continuing-care-facility-functional-program-2014.pdf
Highways and Public Works
File name prefix: hpw
Example: hpw-atipp-requests-september-2017.pdf
File name prefix: jus
Example: jus-applying-initial-family-order.pdf
Public Service Commission
File name prefix: psc
Example: psc-interview-relocation-expense-directive.pdf
Tourism and Culture
File name prefix: tc
Example: tc-historic-sites-nomination-guidelines.pdf
Women’s Directorate
File name prefix: wd
Example: wd-joint-submission-to-gc-national-inquiry-missing-murdered-indigenous-women-girls
Yukon Development Corporation
File name prefix: ydc
Example: ydc-annual-report-2018
Yukon Housing Corporation
File name prefix: yhc
Example: yhc-pest-policy.pdf
Yukon Liquor Corporation
File name prefix: ylc
Example: ylc-price-list-summer-2017.pdf
Naming files in French
All documents on should be translated into French.
When you name your file, use a French name that follows the file name standard.
For example, the French version of the English file name “cs-pay-property-tax.pdf” would be “cs-payer-impot-foncier.pdf”.
Maintaining your files
When you delete a file, it's important you delete the English and French versions from the appropriate folder in Drupal. This will ensure there are not multiple versions of documents and the up-to-date, correct version is always the 1 you're referencing on the site.