Apply for a brand exemption

Date adopted: 
November 28, 2018
Last update: 
February 3, 2023

The brand standards were created with the understanding that there will be few exceptions to the overall standards. A brand exemption does not exempt you from following:

  • processes in place for publishing services and websites on the government's publishing platform;
  • recommended digital practices; or
  • Government of Yukon Style Guide rules.

To whom do the brand standards apply?

The brand standards apply to:

  • all government departments;
  • government corporations including Yukon Development Corporation, Yukon Housing Corporation and Yukon Liquor Corporation; and
  • agents of the Government of Yukon unless specifically exempted under the rules for exception.

Rules for exception

  1. Organizations funded by the Government of Yukon and:
    • not an agent of the government;
    • an agent of the Yukon Legislative Assembly; or
    • an agent of the federal government.
  2. A board, agency, corporation, or office that needs to maintain a public perception that it's free of conflict of interest with the Government of Yukon and that it's not under direct political control of the government.
  3. Where there are requirements to fulfil partnerships for funding or contractual obligations.
  4. The retail sales arms of departments, corporations and commissions that are providing tangible retail products and distribution of those products including:
    • retail sales of liquor;
    • retail sales of cannabis; and
    • retail sales of lottery tickets
  5. Social marketing and advertising campaigns of a limited time (typically, less than 5 years) may apply in advance to the Communications Management Committee (CMC) for a modification to the brand standards where the full implementation of the brand standards may negatively affect the effectiveness of the campaign. This includes advertising goods on behalf of a producer.

Partial implementation:

  1. Special consideration for schools, museums or programs and branches working with First Nations where using just the Government of Yukon logo would overshadow the cooperative nature of the initiative. These programs would need approval for exception status and would still use the Government of Yukon logo alongside that of the program or branch. The logos would not be presented in a “lock-up” orientation but would both be present on the document.

Apply for an exemption

  1. Ensure you meet 1 of the rules for exception.
  2. Email [email protected] for guidance on formally applying to the Communications Management Committee for review.