How to create content for the body of your form

Date adopted: 
February 21, 2018
Last update: 
May 23, 2024

The body of the form is the main section of the form. It’s where you collect the form data.

We've created content guidance for the most common form sections and fields you can use. If you have any sections and fields that are not in this list, your forms designer will help you ensure you've added them to the correct place.


When you request address information it can be a mailing address, physical address or possibly both.

Form section heading: Address

You can update the form section heading to be more specific about the type of address need a person to enter. Use the following format.

  • Personal address
  • Business address
  • Property owner address
  • Home address
  • Renter’s address

Mailing address and physical address

Indicate the type of address you need a person to enter by including the following form field labels. 

Mailing address form field labels:

  • Unit number (optional)
  • Street number
  • Street name
  • PO box
  • City/Town
  • Territory/Province
  • Country (optional)
  • Postal code

Physical address form field labels:

  • Unit number (optional)
  • Street number
  • Street name
  • City/Town
  • Territory/Province

What to do if you're collecting more than 1 address

If you need to collect multiple addresses on your form, you can create a section for each applicant and denote "Applicant 1 information, "Applicant 2 information," etc.

Applicant information

Form section heading: Applicant information

When asking for a person’s name, label the fields with:

  • First name
  • Middle name (optional – you can ask if it is required.)
  • Last name

Avoid using “Legal” before first name, middle name or last name if possible.

Applying on behalf of another person

If you allow a person to apply for a service on bahalf of another person, you can use a form section heading above the applicant information fields that's specific to their role. For example:

  • Parent or guardian information
  • Student information
  • Child information
  • Employer information
  • Employee information
  • Referee information
  • Supervisor information
  • Patient information or Care recipient information
  • Appointer information
  • Property owner’s information
  • Escort information
  • Renter information
  • Landlord information
  • Installer information
  • Accused information

Business information

Form section heading: Business information

You can then use the folloing form field labels to collect information about the business.

  • Legal business name
  • Other name your business is known by (optional)

Other variations on this include:

  • Society name. Add hint text “Name filed with the Yukon Registrar of Societies.”
  • Organization name. Add hint text “Provide complete name if you are a registered non-profit organization.”


Form field labels for dates:

  • Date of birth (date de naissance)
  • Departure date and Return date
  • Admission date and Discharge date

To indicate a start date and end date, use the following formatting.

  • Project start date and Project end date
  • Date renter moved in and Date renter moved out

Date formatting

The standard date input format is YYYY/MM/DD.

  • Month, Day, Year (if a person is typing in the date)
  • Date range: Between YYYY/MM/DD and YYYY/MM/DD

Deadline to apply

Some people have included this guidance on the form itself. Alternatives could be to update the deadline on the bridge and document download pages. When you update these pages it also makes them more relevant in search so people are more likely to find them.


Form field label: Email

You do not need to include any other wording in the form field label. The form section heading will give people the context they need to add the correct email address. For example, if the section heading is “Applicant information” and your form field label is "Email" it's clear you are asking for thte applicant's email address. 

If you need to indicate the email address is the primary way you will interact with the person – add that detail as hint text.


Do not ask people about ethnicity if you do not need the information to deliver your program or service.

First Nations

Use the terminology most relevant and specific to the program or service you are delivering. We recommend you also reach out to [email protected]

  • First Nation: consider using this term if the program is available to more than just Yukon First Nations people.
  • Yukon First Nation: use this term if only Yukon First Nations are eligible.
  • Indigenous person: Use this rather than Aboriginal. It includes First Nation, Inuit and Métis.

First Nation identification

Use “Status number” to identify the number Canada issued “Status Indians” under the Indian Act.

You can also refer to the government's Style Guide for more information on what wording your should use.


Do not ask for a person's gender unless it is necessary to deliver your program or service. Follow this guidance in cases where it is required.

  • Default to gender – use sex only when necessary (for medical purposes for example).
  • Use an open text field so people can identify gender in their own terms.
  • If you must use a list for your particular form, use the following.
  • For all ages: man/boy, non-binary, prefer not to answer, woman/girl.
  • If only adults are filling out the form, use: man, non-binary, prefer not to answer, woman.

Read more about writing inclusively.

Get help completing a form

In our forms review, there were several forms that included "Get help completing a form" sections in addition to a "Contact us section." We recommend you not have a "Get help completing a form" section. If you suspect people filling out the form will need help, you should:

  • do some user testing on your form to identify where people run into trouble; and
  • address the issue. You can add additional guidance or help in these sections so people can complete them on their own. It’s an inconvenience for people to start a form and then have to pick up the phone to call someone or wait for them to respond to an email

Phone numbers

Form field label: Phone

If you require more than one phone number, you can use:

  • Home phone
  • Mobile phone
  • Work phone

Phone number format:  xxx-xxx-xxx. You can indicate this formatting as hint text.

Submission instructions

Use this section of a PDF form to let people know their options for submitting a form. Only list the options that apply to your form. If you have options that are not listed below, add them in the same format.

Form section heading: Submit your application

  • By email: [email protected]
  • In person: We are located at 1000 Lewes Boulevard in Whitehorse. Our office is open Monday to Friday from xx am to xx pm. We are closed on statutory holidays.
  • By fax: 867-393-8576
  • By mail:
    Government of Yukon
    Department of xxxx
    Name of branch or unit (Mail code)
    Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6

Supporting documentation

Many programs require people to attach or upload supporting documents to their forms. Follow this guidance if you will collect supporting documentation with your form.

PDF forms

The required supporting documents will appear as a checklist so people can review it to make sure they have met the requirements before they submit their form package. 

Web forms

Include a list of the supporting documents a person will need in the “Before you apply” section of the Start page. This lets people know they should have it ready before they start.

Uploading supporting documents to a web form

Add this interface where it makes sense (in the context of your application) to do so and follow these best practices.

  • Let people know what file formats you will accept and if there are any limitations on file size.
  • Allow people to add multiple documents at once (drag and drop).
  • Give people an easy way to delete documents and upload new ones.
  • Make sure there is a visual indicator to let people know when their documents have been successfully uploaded.
  • Let people use their mobile device to document and upload information. For example, using their device’s camera, geolocation or date picker.


It’s always best not to use tables because they can be challenging for people to use on their mobile devices. There are some instances, where you might need a table. For example, if your form requires a person to add a detailed budget.

If you think a table is the best option for people to input information, follow the government’s guidance on using tables.

User feedback

The user feedback section is how people can tell us what worked or didn't work in their experience using a form. This is one of the ways we identify what we can work on to improve the user experience. 

Incorporate user feedback on PDF forms

You can create a section on PDF forms to let people know how they can submit their feedback. This could be:

  • a link to the service page on so they can use the feedback form on the page;
  • an email address; or
  • a phone number. 

Incorporate user feedback on web forms

Follow the government's online design pattern for incorporating user feedback on web forms. 

What to do with user feedback

Review feedback as it comes in and use it to make improvements to your PDF form or web form.

If you aren't sure what solutions will make things better for the end user, you can attend UX Office Hours to share your data with the government's UX manager.

Yukon Health Care Insurance Plan (YHCIP) cards

You should refer to this card as a Yukon Health Care Insurance Plan (YHCIP) card and you can indicate the number format in the hint text for this form field.