Pre-launch checklist

Date adopted: 
August 17, 2020
Last update: 
March 20, 2024

Before a service or website goes live, the project's eServices service delivery manger will work with the department to complete this pre-launch checklist. This is our final check to ensure all of the government's requirements are met.

These are some of the questions the service delivery manager will ask the project team.

  1. Is the Security Threat and Risk Assessment (STRA) complete? Complete means the STRA is complete and you've developed and implemented a remediation plan to address any issues the STRA uncovered.

  2. Is the Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) complete and filed with Office of the Yukon Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC)? You should never launch a public digital service without a completed PIA. This means the government's ATIPP Office has reviewed and provided feedback you've implemented their recommendations. Next you'll file the PIA with the OIPC and answer their questions and implement their feedback.
    If your service delivery manager has any questions about the completeness of your PIA they will complete an Audit Acceptance Document that you'll need to getsigned by the appropriate authority? This is usually a director or deputy minister.

  3. If applicable, is the Payment Card Industry Assessment (PCI) complete? This assessment is only required if you accept online payment as part of your service.

  4. Is your service bilingual service (technical and content)?

  5. Has the service passed WCAG accessibility testing? We ask the project team or vendor to run an assessment and address any issues they find. You'll be asked for a short report in your Beta Sevice Maturity Assesssment where the project user experience manager will as what you found and how you addressed it.

  6. Are Matomo web analytics set up to track metrics for your key performance indicators (KPIs)? You will provide your service delivery manager with a list of email addresses for people who should recieve the automatic monthly report.

  7. Has your team completed end-to-end functional testing for the service?

  8. Have you completed staff training for support and operations completed? For example, can staff enter and update the content?

  9. Is content entry completed, as planned?

  10. Is the content freeze in place?

  11. Is the code freeze in place?

  12. Has the service delivery manager and project team obtained all management approvals and sign-offs needed? For example this could include a formal sign-on or a demo for senior management, committees or working groups.

  13. Is a feedback form included on the site?

  14. Has usability testing complete?

  15. Has the service passed User Acceptance Testing (UAT)?

  16. If required, have you drafted an Incident Response Plan or business continuity plan?

  17. Is the service agreement in place between eServices and the service owner? The service delivery manager will share a draft service agreeement with the team to finalize the standard and optional services.

  18. Is a post-launch support and maintenance agreement in place? The service delivery manager will meet with you and the vendor to discuss putting a congtract in place to ensure their  continued support for your service.