Roles and responsibilities for producing forms

Date adopted: 
July 21, 2023
Last update: 
August 9, 2023

The content on this page is currently in draft as our team finalizes it. We expect to finalize this page in August. In the meantime, if you have any questions, email [email protected].

There are several roles involved in getting a form from a draft state to a published PDF or web form. This page lays out the required roles and their associated responsibilities. 

PDF form roles and responsibilities

Department roles

ATIPP coordinator (optional)

This person could have a role in:

  • confirming your service or program has a PIA;
  • confirming if your service needs a PIA; or
  • reviewing your data collection notice.

Communications lead (optional)

The role of the communications lead is different from department to department, but they are a valuable resource to help you draft or review your form content.

Service owner

The service owner is the person who's responsible for the ongoing delivery of the program or service. They have strategic decision-making authority.

Subject matter expert

The subject matter expert is usually the person who requests the form. This person is the most involved in the day-to-day delivery of the service. 

eServices roles

Forms designer

The forms designer leads forms design work for the government. They will work with you to design a form that best meets thte government's digital service standards and your business requirements. They will:

  • help you figure out which type of form you’ll need;
  • design the form using approved platform tool;
  • work with you to finalize the design; and
  • publish the final form.

French Language Services Directorate role

French language coordinator

The French language coordinator works with your team to get the form translated.

Web form roles and responsibilities

The roles for web forms will depend on the size and scope of the project. You can learn more about these roles in Discovery, Alpha and Beta, but this is an overview. 

Department roles

ATIPP coordinator (optional)

This person could have a role in:

  • confirming your service or program has a PIA;
  • confirming if your service needs a PIA; or
  • reviewing your data collection notice.

Communications lead (optional)

The role of the communications lead is different from department to department, but they are a valuable resource to help you draft or review your form content.

Service owner

The service owner is the person who's responsible for the ongoing delivery of the program or service. They have strategic decision-making authority.

Subject matter expert

The subject matter expert is usually the person who requests the form. This person is the most involved in the day-to-day delivery of the service. 

eServices roles

eServices delivery manager

If your web form project has an eServices delivery manager, their job is to walk your team through the service delivery process

User experience (UX) manager

The UX manager ensures all design and content come together to meet the government's digital service standards. Their role depends on the project, but it always includes running service maturity assessments.

Web architect

The web architect oversees the technical architecture and implementation of the service.

French Language Service Directorate role

French language coordinator

The French language coordinator works with your team to get the form translated.

Additional roles

There are some additional roles that may be required, depending on the project.

Business analyst 

In some instances, project teams might bring an a business analyst to analyze and capture their current business processes. 

Project manager

Depending on the complexity and scope of the project, some teams will also hire a project manager who is responsible for developing and managing the form project.