Email receipt messages

Date adopted: 
August 6, 2018
Last update: 
August 6, 2021

Why use this pattern?

If your service sends an email message to a user after they submit a request or order, the email should only tell the user what they need to know.

Never include personal or sensitive information.

Government email accounts

Email messages must always be sent from government email accounts that are regularly checked by staff. Individuals should be able to reply if they have questions or need help.

Avoid using [email protected] or other types of “no reply” email accounts.

How it works

An email receipt message typically includes the following components:

What they need to do

Don’t explain the whole process, just focus on the simple facts:

  • If the user needs to do something after receiving the email, make it clear; and
  • If the user needs to do something by a specific date, tell them when it must happen.

Avoid using the word “please”.

What they should expect

If your service requires that the user wait for the government to send them something, tell them when they should expect it.

For example, “You’ll get your vehicle registration in 5 to 10 business days.”

If a payment was made, what they ordered

If your service takes payment such as for a fishing licence or camping permit, tell them what they ordered and how much they paid.

Include required payment information

Government of Yukon uses Bambora for online payments. Bambora requires this information in all payment receipts:

  • Order date and time. For example, June 22, 2021. 2 p.m.
  • Order number. For example, 1000044.
  • Authorization code. This is the code sent from the bank for approved transactions. For example, 5487.
  • Total amount of the order. For example, $15.
  • Credit card type. For example, Visa or Mastercard. Don’t use abbreviations.
  • Card owner. For example, First name Last name.
  • Billing name. For example, First name Last name.
  • Merchant online address. This is most often the page related to the service. For example, Renew a vehicle registration. Read the guidance on links.
  • Merchant name. For example, Government of Yukon.

You can include other information from Bambora, but this list is what’s required and suitable in most cases.

Who to contact if they need help

Make it easy for the user by providing an email address or phone number. You can also include a transaction order number or request number, if available.

Who it came from

The name of the service should be in the subject line. This will mean more to the individual than your department name or acronym.


Subject line: Order confirmation: Renew a vehicle registration

This message is to confirm your vehicle registration renewal(s) has been received by the Government of Yukon.

What you need to do

You don’t need to do anything right now.

What will happen next

The decal for your licence plate(s) and registration will be mailed to the address you gave us. Allow for up to 5 to 10 business days to receive the decal for your licence plate(s) and registration through regular mail.

Details of your order

  • Order date and time: June 22, 2021. 2 p.m.
  • Order number: 1000044
  • Authorization code: 5487
  • Total paid: $30
  • Credit card type: Visa
  • Card owner: Jane Smith
  • Billing name: Jane Smith
  • Merchant name: Government of Yukon
  • Website: Renew a vehicle registration

If you need help

Email [email protected] or phone 000-000-0000 if assistance is required. Refer to confirmation number ABC123.