Archive and delete a service or website

Date adopted: 
August 21, 2018
Last update: 
August 27, 2020

If you remove or archive Government of Yukon online services, websites, or web pages, they'll no longer appear to the public.

Archive online services

  1. Email [email protected] to ask them to delete a service.
  2. Our team will work with you to archive the service before we close it out.

Archive and delete a web page

  1. Contact [email protected] to access a tool to capture your website page and save the html files to your network drive.
  2. Email [email protected] to ask them to set up page redirects in English and French as needed.
  3. The [email protected] team will set up redirects and notify you when they're in place.
  4. Delete the page in English and French.

When to delete a page on

You can delete a page from when:

  • the content has been included in another page (make sure you redirect to it);
  • the user need is better met elsewhere on (remember to then redirect to it);
  • you published it in error or before you meant to;
  • it contains someone’s personal details;
  • it infringes copyright; or
  • it is defamatory or obscene.