Form contact us

Date adopted: 
February 21, 2018
Last update: 
November 12, 2024

Use the contact us section to provide people with an email address and phone number in case they want to reach out to you. 

Contact us information in web forms

People should be able to work through a web form without contacting you during the process. If you want to provide contact information you can add it at the bottom of the page that links to the service.

Contact us information in PDF forms

The Contact us section follows the body section of your form. 

Do not create a section called, "Get help with this form." Your form should be designed and tested to make sure people can fill it in without contacting you for help. On the occasions where they still might need some assistance, you've already provided them with your contact information in the Contact us section.

Writing standard for Contact us sections

The Contact us section of your form should be written as follows. 

  • For questions about (topic of the form) email [email protected] or phone 867-667-3385 or toll free in the Yukon: 1-800-661-4759.