How to request a campaign site

Date adopted: 
August 26, 2020
Last update: 
March 23, 2022

Campaign sites are sub-domains under

Before you request a campaign site

Make sure:

  • your proposed site is needed for marketing and promotion;
  • your marketing campaign has a start and end date;
  • you've identified your target audience, the number of existing users with this need and the number of users who will be targeted; and
  • you know how you'll assess and measure the success of your campaign.

Request a campaign site

  1. Email the Executive Council Office at [email protected] and share your details to support your request.
  2. Once they've approved your request, send your draft content to [email protected] for approval. 
  3. You can then practise building your site in the user acceptance testing (UAT) site, particularly if it's a multipage campaign site.
  4. Use the campaign content type to build your website.
  5. Arrange to get a short URL or domain name for your site.
  6. Email [email protected] to arrange to have your website translated.

Publish your campaign site

Once you have your site ready to go:

  1. Make sure all of your pages are translated.
  2. Email [email protected] to review your final website.
  • Once the Executive Council Office approves the site, email [email protected] to coordinate: getting your domain names in place;
  • getting analytics set up; and
  • how you're launching your site – for example, as a private beta or publicly viewable site.

After your site launches

  • Run your site for the duration of your campaign.
  • Follow the steps to take your campaign site down.
  • Using analytics and user feedback, assess and measure the success of your campaign.
  • Share your final analysis with [email protected] and [email protected].