Information for government staff

Date adopted: 
September 9, 2022
Last update: 
September 9, 2022

This guidance is for Government of Yukon teams who want to:

  • purchase digital tools and products; or
  • build or enhance a public-facing digital service.

Purchase digital tools and products

This page provides guidance for teams that want to buy digital tools and products.

Build or enhance a public-facing digital service

Planning your project

These links will take you to sections of the Digital Service Delivery Guide that will help you plan your project.

Project process (Service delivery process)

A great way to start planning out your project is to familiarize yourself with the government's service delivery process. This lays out the steps you must follow before you can release a public-facing service or website. It also helps you understand the roles and time needed to complete each step.

Find out more about project team roles.

Budget planning

You have an idea of what you want to do, but you have no idea how much it will cost. To estimate costs, you can use our project budget status tracker to start planning. In addition to development costs, you will need to consider the costs for hiring a project manager and a vendor to complete any of the required technical and legal assessments that might apply to your service. 

You can also reach out to [email protected] to contact our portfolio manager or a service delivery manager to get an idea of what similar types of projects cost.

Finding funding for your project

Find options to apply for funding on our Conception and ideation page.

Once your project has funding

If your service has a public-facing component, eServices will play a role in helping you get it live.


To determine our role we will facillitate a Pre-discovery session with your team. This is a 1-hour meeting where we meet to learn more about your project and how we can support you.

Working with eServices

If we have a role, one or more of our team will work with you. This is often a service delivery manager and a web architect.

A UX manager will also provide inputs at various points in the project to ensure it meets the government's digital service standards. They will do this through UX reviews and required service maturity assessments

Find out more about project team roles.

Getting accounts for yourself or vendors

Find out how to get various government accounts like network access and accounts. 

Making improvements to your service after it launches

Once your service launches you will start to collect user feedback and you might have items in your product backlog that you want to address. Find out how to start additional phases of work.